Trusted by 200k+ users
LMS by Talentely: where student success meets career empowerment.
LMS by Talentely: where student success meets career empowerment.
Advantages Talentely offers to students:
- Instructor-led employability training
- Hands-on practice
- Competitive programming
- Internships and mini projects
- Industry certifications
Unleash your potential for success with Talentely's personalized approach to career development.
candidate profiles
cut in sourcing time
more qualified leads
Find the perfect candidate and streamline your recruitment process with Talentely's TMS - the ultimate solution for corporate talent discovery and management.
Find the perfect candidate and streamline your recruitment process with Talentely's TMS - the ultimate solution for corporate talent discovery and management.
- Reduced training & hiring infrastructure
- Hiring based on EIS
- Productive talent
- Digital recruitment campaign
- 360-degree student profile
Elevate your recruitment game and streamline your hiring process with Talentely's powerful talent-sourcing advantages.
Transform your institution into a talent hub with Talentely's Profile Management System (PMS) - the ultimate tool for attracting, managing, and showcasing top talent.
Transform your institution into a talent hub with Talentely's Profile Management System (PMS) - the ultimate tool for attracting, managing, and showcasing top talent.
- Access to niche hiring
- Better placement records
- Custom technology training
- Reduced dependency on bulk hiring
- Enhanced company base
Elevate your institution's reputation and empower your students with Talentely's comprehensive career development advantages.
Why Talentely?
Talently is designed to empower students, institutions, and corporates to achieve their goals through seamless talent discovery, management, and development. With our comprehensive LMS, PMS, and TMS systems, you can unlock your true potential and take the next step towards success!
Talently is designed to empower students, institutions, and corporates to achieve their goals through seamless talent discovery, management, and development. With our comprehensive LMS, PMS, and TMS systems, you can unlock your true potential and take the next step towards success!
Curious to find out more?
Explore the following resources to gain insight into Talentely's recruiting platform solutions.
Explore the following resources to gain insight into Talentely's recruiting platform solutions.
Latest Resources
Cutting Costs and Consolidating Tech with Talentely recruiting
Cut cost and create workflow efficiency with Talentely recruiting. Join Talentely's webinar on Dec 1st, 2022 at 10am PT. Register Today!
SourceCon 2022 Recap: DE&I Gets Personal and Rethinking Engagement
SourceCon 2022 Fall Recap. The biggest takeaway from the conference is about DEI and candidate engagement. View more.
Interview Questions That Get Candidates To Open Up
In need of strategic interview questions to ask candidates for a job? We share tips to get candidates to open up during the interview. Read on.
The Troubling State Of DE&I Hiring In 2022
The concern about the priority of DE&I for recruiting teams is no longer the top-leading driver in TA tech investment decisions. Read more.
How To Hire For A Job That You Don't Understand
How do you identify outstanding candidates—if you don’t know the ins and outs of their jobs? Here are the steps you can take to identify candidates. View more.
Learn More Talentely recruiting
Resources to help you learn more about Talentely's platform solutions.
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